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Networks, partnership meetings and moderation groups provide a strong and supportive professional learning community, ideal for leaders and teachers who wish to work together to explore best practice education from a national and local perspective. They provide the opportunity for professionals to collaborate and share strategies to improve outcomes and experiences for pupils in all schools.


Even though many of our networks have already started, bookings are always open for you to join throughout the year.  Costs would be applied on a per session basis. 

Primary Networks 

Art Network - Bookings Now Open! 

The Art network is ideal for schools who want to explore best practice in the teaching and learning of art. It will provide a supportive and collaborative environment to share good practice, discuss ideas and give advice on providing the best outcomes for pupils, creating an engaging, inspiring and creative art curriculum within schools.


Below is a brief outline of what will be covered during each session, but this is flexible and may change depending on participant feedback and/or requests.

Session 1: Thursday 16th November 2023 2-3.30pm
Discussion on how people cover art in their curriculum, how they teach it and what they find works well. We could also talk about how we celebrate art in our schools, for example through Arts Award, Artsmark, Arts Weeks or exhibitions etc. Look around LWI to see artwork we have on the walls so far this year! Talk about what people want to get out of the Network meetings this year.

Session 2: Wednesday 7th February 2024 4-5.30pm
Looking at variety, diversity and celebrations of cultures. How can we introduce more diversity into the curriculum?

Session 3: Wednesday 24th April 2024 2-3.30pm
Looking at progression in art through the year groups. Quality assurance and Deep Dive information for Ofsted – sharing experiences and ideas. What does successful art look like?

Session 4: Thursday 20th June 2024 4-5.30pm
Use of different materials, skills and sketchbooks.


Jo McCann, Lowe's Wong Infant School

Jo has been teaching KS1 at Lowe’s Wong Infant School in Southwell for 18 years and has been the Art Lead for over 16 years.  She has helped to develop the Art curriculum in the school.  Lowe’s Wong was awarded Silver Artsmark status in 2022.


Non-Members Standard Members
(3 for 2 offer available)
Full Members Bookings
£200 per person £160 per person Free Book Online Here





Trish O'Malley
Professional Learning Coordinator
Minster Learning Alliance

Curriculum Network - Bookings Now Open!

Your school’s curriculum is the foundation of what you offer to your pupils. With the focus firmly on curriculum in the current OFSTED framework, it is important for schools to have clear vision and practice embedded so that every child can achieve, progress and flourish. Over the course of the year, we will work together to look at how the National Curriculum can be tailored so that you are delivering a broad and balanced learning experience catered to the needs of your children and school community, as well as having clear, robust systems for monitoring the implementation and impact of your curriculum.


Thursday 8th February 2024 1.30-3.30pm
Thursday 21st March 2024 4-5.30pm
Thursday 23rd May 2024 1.30-3.30pm
Thursday 11th July 2024 1.30-3.30pm


Farnsfield St Michael's C of E Primary School, Branston Avenue, Farnsfield NG22 8JZ.


Deb Taylor has over 16 years of Primary teaching experience, 8 of those as a senior leader, and is the Deputy Headteacher at Farnsfield St Michael’s Primary School. She is passionate about developing children’s excitement for lifelong learning and finding a balance between a knowledge-based curriculum alongside equipping pupils with the skills they need to be independent learners. She leads the school’s curriculum, developing a unique and successful syllabus carefully tailored to the needs and interests of the pupils as well as supporting staff in their teaching and subject leader roles. Deb also regularly works with and supports other schools across the Mitre Trust with their curriculum development and the roles of the subject leaders. She has also recently joined the Mitre review team.

Deb currently facilitates for the Early Career Framework and has considerable experience supporting ECTs, NQTs and ITT students. She has worked as a KS1 moderator for the local authority for several years, supporting schools in their judgements in reading, writing and maths. In addition, Deb has completed the National SENCO Award and has been SENCO in two different schools, so has a range of experience in supporting the needs of children and developing an inclusive curriculum for all learners.


Non-Members Standard Members
(3 for 2 offer available)
Full Members Bookings
£200 per person £160 per person Free Book Online Here





Trish O'Malley
Professional Learning Coordinator
Minster Learning Alliance

Early Years/Foundation Stage Network - Bookings Now Open! 

Networks provide a strong and supportive professional learning community, ideal for leaders and teachers who wish to work together to explore best practice education from a national and local perspective. They provide the opportunity for professionals to collaborate and share strategies to improve outcomes and experiences for pupils in all schools.


Thursday 9th November 4-5.30pm
Thursday 25th January 4-5.30pm
Thursday 28th March 2-4.30pm
Thursday 25th April 2-4.30pm
Thursday 27th June 4-5.30pm

Changes to the EYFS Statutory Framework
Early reading and writing
Establishing links with parents
Developing communication and language
Moderation opportunities


Abbey Primary School, Stuart Avenue, Forest Town, NG19 0AB.


Aimee Chick has over 20 years of primary teaching experience, 8 of those as Assistant Head Teacher at Abbey Primary School. Aimee has been responsible for planning and developing a fully integrated EYFS unit and has extensive experience in managing both the EYFS curriculum and staff. Aimee has been an EYFS moderator for the Local Authority and is responsible for training both teaching and teaching assistant students within her school.


Non-Members Standard Members
(3 for 2 offer available)
Full Members Bookings
£250 per person £200 per person Free Book Online Here





Trish O'Malley
Professional Learning Coordinator
Minster Learning Alliance

English Network - Bookings Now Open! 

The English network provides a strong and supportive professional learning community for those responsible for leading English in schools. It is ideal for leaders who want to delve into and explore best practice in English, considering national and local perspectives. It will provide the opportunity for professionals to collaborate; sharing good practice and will provide a supportive environment to discuss strategies to improve outcomes and English provision within schools. 

The focus of the network can be discussed and geared towards priorities within our schools. The network could focus on improving reading for pleasure and how to improve the standard of writing in our schools (leading to focusing on how to support children to achieve Greater Depth).

The network focus is flexible, so that it is as beneficial as it can be for everyone attending. 


Date Focus
Thursday 7th December 2023 1.30-4pm

Introductions and priorities for the network

Reading for pleasure

Tuesday 23rd January 2024 9.15am-12pm Improving the standard of writing, including greater depth
Thursday 21st March 2024 1.30-4pm To be confirmed
Tuesday 21st May 2024 9.15am-12pm To be confirmed
Thursday 20th June 2024 1.30-4pm English going forward - SIP and SEF focus


Farmilo Primary and Nursery School, Woburn Lane, Pleasley, Mansfield NG19 7RT.


Rebecca Daysh is Assistant Head Teacher at Farmilo Primary School with over 18 years of teaching experience. She became a senior leader within two years of starting her career and continually undertakes a number of leadership roles. Rebecca has held the role of Assistant Headteacher for 8 years. She teaches full time and is English Lead and SENCO, alongside the role of AHT. 

Rebecca has developed a very successful grammar scheme and this has been reflected in the improving results of her school. Rebecca also leads the provision for children with SEND, including the supervision of the role of TAs and their impact and the individualised curriculum for some children with SEND. 

Rebecca is passionate about empowering people in order to sustain change, as this is extremely important to her. She keeps the children’s personal and academic achievement at the forefront of her thinking.


Non-Members Standard Members
(3 for 2 offer available)
Full Members Bookings
£250 per person £200 per person Free Book Online Here




Trish O'Malley
Professional Learning Coordinator
Minster Learning Alliance

Maths Network - Bookings Now Open!

Networks provide a strong and supportive professional learning community, ideal for leaders and teachers who wish to work together to explore best practice education from a national and local perspective. They provide the opportunity for professionals to collaborate and share strategies to improve outcomes and experiences for pupils in all schools.


Tuesday 28th November 2023 4.00-5.30pm at Farnsfield St Michael's C of E Primary School

During this session, the group will work together to ascertain relevant and pertinent areas to explore in the maths provision.  There will also be an opportunity to look at questionning techniques/strategies for depth and challenge and Ofsted’s current views on primary mathematics.

Friday 2nd February 2024 1.30-4.00pm at Minster School, Southwell

This session will include interventions in primary mathematics - understanding how we can raise attainment in mathematics and the optimum strategies, models, resources, and programmes to implement.  We will consider the barriers from WTS to EXS as well as EXS to GDS, sharing research and our experience. 

Tuesday 19th March 2024 9.15-10.45am at Farnsfield St Michael's C of E Primary School

During this session we will be visiting mathematics at Farnsfield, observing lessons across the primary phase from F2-KS2, focussing on the key components of a Mastery Approach to the teaching and learning of maths.

Friday 3rd May 2024 1.30-4.00pm at Farnsfield St Michael's C of E Primary School

The session will be looking at provision for pupils with SEND, Dyscalculia and MLD (Maths Learning Difficulties) within a Mastery Approach, exploring the theory as well as our practical experience and how we can support these pupils to flourish. 


Melissa Pearce, Farnsfield St Michael's C of E Primary School


Non-Members Standard Members
(3 for 2 offer available)
Full Members Bookings
£200 per person £160 per person Free Book Online Here





Trish O'Malley
Professional Learning Coordinator
Minster Learning Alliance

Music Network - Bookings Now Open!

The Primary Music CPD Network provides a strong and supportive learning community for subject leaders and those involved in delivering music in Nottinghamshire schools. It does this by exploring best practice in music education from a national and local perspective.

Signed up for all three networks and receive a FREE* one-year Charanga Musical School Licence
Further information is available here.
(*Nottinghamshire Schools only).

Network members will also automatically be eligible for Music Mark Schools membership for 2023-24 which is FREE to Nottinghamshire county based schools - nominations open in August. 
Further information is available here.

What do we have planned for 2023-24?

Session 1: Wednesday 8th November 2023, 9.30am to 3.30pm

  • New Developments in music education and Reflection on the action plan 
  • Classroom music 1 – Practical exploration of ensemble music across the key stages 
  • Beyond the classroom – Raising the profile of music 
  • Curriculum development – Progression and sequencing 
  • Classroom music 2 – The Rainforest (KS2)

Session 2: Monday 11th March 2024, 9.30am to 3.30pm

  • Deep Dives in music
  • Classroom music 1 – Practical exploration of Notation 
  • Beyond the classroom – Vocal repertoire 
  • Curriculum development – Assessment 
  • Classroom music 2 –  Emotions (EYFS) 

Session 3: Tuesday 2nd July 2024, 9.30am to 3.30pm

  • Leading and supporting others in music 
  • Classroom music 1 – Creative composition with limited resources 
  • Beyond the classroom – Music across the school (assemblies and events) 
  • Curriculum development – Curriculum audit and development 
  • Classroom music 2 –  Great Fire of London (KS1) 


Minster School, Nottingham Road, Southwell, Notts NG25 0LG


Non-Members Standard Members Full Members Bookings
£120 per person £95 per person Free Book Online Here




Trish O'Malley
Professional Learning Coordinator
Minster Learning Alliance

FREE one-hour music consultation available for all Nottinghamshire schools - this can be a school visit, phone call or online via Zoom.  Email us now for further information.


PE Network - Bookings now open!

This network is an opportunity for PE leads to collaborate; sharing good practice and providing a strong and supportive environment to discuss strategies to improve outcomes and experiences for pupils in all schools.


Thursday 30th November 2023 2.30pm to 4.30pm
Thursday 8th February 2024 2.30pm to 4.30pm
Thursday 23rd May 2024 2.30pm to 4.30pm


To be confirmed.


Brett Frost, Teacher and Subject Leader for Physical Education at Kingsway Primary School, Kirkby-in-Ashfield.


Non-Members Standard Members
(3 for 2 offer available)
Full Members Bookings
£150 per person £120 per person Free Book Online Here





Trish O'Malley
Professional Learning Coordinator
Minster Learning Alliance

Moderation Groups 

EYFS Moderation Network - Bookings now open!

The Minster Learning Alliance is running three moderation groups for primary colleagues over the course of the year. These groups provide the opportunity to share examples of work, marking standard and inform curriculum development. Moderation groups are focused on: EYFS, KS1 and KS2.

EYFS moderation meetings provide colleagues across different schools with an opportunity to share work samples, and engage in professional dialogue about the developments and achievements of our youngest learners. The main aims are to reassure practitioners that their judgements are accurate, valid and consistent, in addition to sharing good practice and ideas on curriculum development.


Wednesday 22nd November 2023 2.30-5.00pm
Wednesday 20th March 2024 2.30-5.00pm
Wednesday 5th June 2024 2.30-5.00pm


Holy Trinity Church of England Infant School, Westgate, Southwell, NG25 0LD


Jemma Hughes is the Senior Teacher at Holy Trinity Infant School. She is currently in her 20th Year of teaching and has extensive experience teaching in the Early Years Foundation Stage and KS1.  Jemma has been involved in many EYFS moderation activities over the years and has therefore seen the many changes that have taken place, from the old Stepping Stones in Reception to the new Early Learning Goals that we are currently embedding in our schools. Jemma loves seeing the children’s self -initiated work and outcomes in the Early Years. This provides a true sense of their understanding and learning. She is constantly amazed by 4 and 5-year-olds – their innocence, their knowledge and the hilarious and brilliant conversations that are to be had!



Standard Members
(3 for 2 offer available)

Full Members Bookings
£150 per person £100 per person Free Book Online Here






Trish O'Malley
Professional Learning Coordinator
Minster Learning Alliance

Key Stage 1 Moderation Network

The Key Stage 1 Moderation group is an opportunity to collaborate with colleagues whilst building your skills and confidence in reaching judgements about children’s work.

Through discussion and sharing examples of work we will develop our understanding of what standards can look like in the classroom, what can be used to evidence standards and how to ensure it remains manageable.  While the sessions are not about validating individual judgements, they will facilitate professional dialogue around moderation issues and allow us the share expertise, best practice and learn from each other. 

Further details will be published in due course.



Standard Members
(3 for 2 offer available)

Full Members Bookings
£150 per person £100 per person Free Register for 2023-24





Trish O'Malley
Professional Learning Coordinator
Minster Learning Alliance

Key Stage 2 Moderation Network

The Key Stage 2 Moderation group is an opportunity to collaborate with colleagues whilst building your skills and confidence in reaching judgements about children’s work.

Through discussion and sharing examples of work we will develop our understanding of what standards can look like in the classroom, what can be used to evidence standards and how to ensure it remains manageable.  While the sessions are not about validating individual judgements, they will facilitate professional dialogue around moderation issues and allow us the share expertise, best practice and learn from each other. 

Further details will be published in due course. 



Standard Members
(3 for 2 offer available)

Full Members Bookings
£150 per person £100 per person Free Register for 2023-24





Trish O'Malley
Professional Learning Coordinator
Minster Learning Alliance