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Welcome to our Open Event area of the website. This page contains information for families of students in Year 5 and 6 who wish to find out more about what The Minster School can offer them for their child’s secondary education. 

Open Event Presentation - Thursday 10th October 2024

It is my pleasure to invite you to our Year 5 and 6 Open Evening on Thursday 10 October 2024. The school is open from 6.00pm to 8.00pm and you are welcome to visit us at any time during this period.  This is our opportunity to share with you the range of experiences and high quality education provided to those who study here at The Minster School.

During the evening you will gain an understanding of The Minster School experience by:

  • Having the opportunity to tour the school to see our excellent facilities
  • Visiting subject areas to meet students and teachers
  • Hearing presentations from key staff, including the Head Teacher
  • Listening to current students share what they think about the school and how they have been supported and been made welcome

The main presentation will run 4 times throughout the evening at 6.10pm, 6.40pm, 7.10pm and 7.40pm.  Before and after these times you will of course be welcome to explore the school, visit classrooms and talk to staff.

In order to choose which of the 4 presentations you would like to attend we would ask you to book in advance using the link here.  To access this site please use the link below or visit the school website. You will be able to book from Monday 4 September. 

See our school at work

Additionally, there is an opportunity to visit the school during a working day.  These sessions enable potential parents and carers to see the typical daily student experience, with a student-led tour and the opportunity to ask questions over tea and coffee.  These additional sessions take place on:

  • Tuesday 15 October at 9.00am
  • Wednesday 16 October at 9.00am
  • Thursday 17 October at 9.00am

If you would like to attend one of our open morning events, please complete the on-line booking form available at:  "See our School at work" Visit

I look forward to welcoming you to The Minster School where we aim to ‘succeed together’.

Yours faithfully

Mr B Chaloner
Head Teacher