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GCSE options

All our students study a range of GCSEs in Years 10 and 11. We believe that the subjects we offer allow students to develop important knowledge and skills for the future and open opportunities for them to progress into further study and the world of work.

The majority of our students will take 10 GCSEs combining both core and options subjects.

Core subjects which all students must study are:

  • Maths
  • English Literature
  • English Language
  • Combined Science (2 GCSEs)
  • Religious Studies


Students will then choose 4 option GCSEs. For the majority of students, one of these will be a Modern Foreign Language for which students can opt for Spanish, French or German. For a smaller number of students, where we identify that taking a GCSE in a Modern Foreign Language is not in their best interest, they will instead choose either Geography or History.

We believe it is important that students make the best decisions regarding their subjects and therefore support and guidance is offered throughout the process.

Please see the booklet below for the different Options subjects that were offered to students last year. This booklet is our core offer of 10 GCSEs with a Modern Foreign Languages.

A small number of students are also identified for supported study, which replaces an option. This programme of study further supports students with English, Maths and Revision skills.