Exam Board - Edexcel A Level
The nature of the course:
The course develops your musical strengths and interests focusing on the main components of performing, composing and appraising. You are encouraged to engage critically and creatively with a wide range of music and musical contexts, whilst nurturing your individual passion for music.
As a strong academic subject, Music has an excellent reputation with universities as a rigorous and analytical A Level. This is reflected in lessons with the study of music from different cultures and historical periods based around the following areas of study; Vocal Music, Instrumental Music, Music for Film, Popular Music and Jazz, Fusions, New Directions, alongside more practical studies, developing skills of performance and composition.
Many continue their musical study at conservatoire or university, whilst others pursue non-music related degrees and careers.
Course components:
Performing - 30% - An 8 minute public recital of solo and/or ensemble performance
Composing - 30% - Two compositions; one to a set brief by Pearson and one either free composition or also to a brief
Appraising - 40% - Listening and written paper based on the areas of study outlined above
Music/Music-related pathways
• Composer/performer
• Music therapy
• Music teaching
• Sound production
• Music publishing and Arts Administration
Non Music/Music-related pathways
Music A Level is considered a good platform for most subjects at degree level. Many doctors, mathematicians, scientists and linguists are also musicians.